Solid Rock CCL

Welcome to Solid Rock Christian Center for Learning, Inc.

We are located at St. Peter Lutheran Church | 100 N Promenade | Halllettsville, TX 77964
Our entrance and parking are on the south side of the campus, 801 E 3rd. You'll see our sign.

Solid Rock offers childcare from 6-weeks to before and after school care, including certified Texas School Ready Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 instruction. Ms. Shonta Adams-Porter is the director. Call today to inquire about openings 361-798-3799. Click the image to visit Solid Rock's Facebook page for more information.

Solid Rock is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c)3 public charity.

Solid Rock is accredited by Region 3 of Texas Educational Association

Covid19 Updates

Solid Rock is an essential business & is open during the Covid19/Corona Virus/Wuhan Virus outbreak.

DHS Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce List
Workers in dependent care services, in support of workers in other essential products and services.

Solid Rock is open with restrictions:

  • Monday, April 6 through Friday, May 1

  • Monday, May 4 through Friday, May 8

  • Solid Rock is closed Friday April 10- per prior calendar designation

  • Health checks will be performed on all who access facilities

Attendance is LIMITED to children of custodial parents/guardians who are designated essential/exempt employees. This limitation continues through May 8, per Gov. Abbott's executive orders. Tuition is regular full day/week rate. If you are eligible, but do not need Solid Rock's childcare, please stay home. Tuition is waived for non-attendance through week of April 27-May 1.

Solid Rock is closed and tuition is waived for:

  • Monday, March 23 through Friday, March 27

  • Monday, March 30 through Friday, April 3